A process of growing awareness 

"We are all unique, incomparable - whether we know it or not" 

Dear interested people,
we are taught in our culture that self-confidence comes from comparison:

If I am better, faster, further than the others, more beautiful, more educated, better known, then I can consider myself "self-confident". Then I have become someone, something - a well-known star, an important politician, a special person - elite.

But can consciousness be compared?

And is the self really what I live, represent and embody for the people around me?

So being truly self-aware is not about walking the red carpet, the flash of photographers, glitter, expensive clothes and jewelry.
It is not the demonstration of beauty, intelligence, power, success. It's "just" emphasizing the "I" that I have achieved - an underlining of who I have become according to society.

It is also not my inferiority, because "I am never enough", I can never really measure up.

Being conscious
- is an everyday process of becoming aware of the True Self.

The beauty, the tenderness, the strength, the fullness of self-understood being. The incomparability of every human being. The wondrous nature. The connectedness of all being.

Self-consciousness is the fragrance of every moment experienced as deeply alive. And the bright joy of the now is the taste.

Pause - now - breath, open perception, experience - now - the path.

With this in mind, I wish us all a self - conscious life, warmly and courageously
Eva Gold

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