Eva Gold | Speaker
UNFOLDING HUMAN(E) POTENTIALThoughtful - Conscious - Integral - Renewing - Meaningful - Together
The question of meaning as the basis for the future.
Personally. In the team. In the company. - Everywhere.
Only people who are genuinely interested in these key issues can ask the right questions in today's world - and thus assume the appropriate level of responsibility in companies, teams, groups and on a personal level.
In my keynotes, I speak to the following groups of people and topics:
Corporate decision-makers and managers
Do my actions - the company - inspire me?
Am I present, clear, calm and full of confidence?
Do I conduct mindful and inter-intelligent dialogs - even under stress?
Do I still have visions?
Am I on the path to true sustainability and integral thinking?
Can I take individuals and teams along this path with my true charisma and enthusiasm?
I would be happy to accompany you on the path to cor(e) management.
To work with the core of problems and solutions and to work with the heart.
How can I make a realand meaningfulcontribution to the company community?
Can I communicate in a lively and mindful way - make my contribution in dialogs?
How do I deal with my own strengths and weaknesses and those of my colleagues?
What is my error culture like?
What do I know about the systemic view of the company?
What about the integral, sustainability - true community in thought, language and action?
The word "team" is often used trivially and quickly! Becoming a truly enthusiastic community means real commitment from everyone. I am happy to be part of this process.
Personal development
Becoming who I essentially am.
From stress to inner serenity, clarity and calm.
How do I become what I want my environment to be?
How do I take care of my mental, spiritual and physical health - Mind and Health?
How do I deal with stress - am I calm, composed, focused?
What are my blockages, my fears - how do I resolve them?
How do I deal with my exuberant feelings such as anger, rejection, resistance ...?
How do I work openly, lively, enthusiastically?
How do I become an integral - an innovative thinker and doer?
We live in eternally identical patterns and behaviors. Our work is about breaking through these patterns and reshaping ourselves. A "becoming who we really are". I am happy to accompany you in this process.
"The view of the effect on the whole - integral thinking, acting and indeed being are both an inner attitude and a solution approach for all issues at hand."
Why I share my knowledge on stage as a keynote speaker:
I have been working as a mentor, supervisor, coach and psychotherapist for decades.
This is my vocation and I am more enthusiastic than ever.
Today's questions about an integral view, sustainability, new ways of supporting teams and managing companies are highly interesting and very challenging for us as individuals.
The "soft skills" of the past, which tended to be ridiculed, are now of central importance for finding enthusiastic and long-term employees.
Together we work on solutions to questions such as:
- How can I be clear, calm and present?
- How do I explore obstacles in myself, in you - and resolve the background?
- How do I stay healthy myself - am I fresh and enthusiastic?
- How do I lead others with respect and care?
- How can I communicate empathetically and simply - really listen and communicate?
- How to lead by being led by what is now in the in-between.
You can read more about me here:
Are you planning an event, seminar or workshop and looking for a keynote speaker?
Then I look forward to hearing from you:
Unfolding Human(e) Potential
+43 699 125 401 55
Kirchberggasse 10/13 | 1070 Vienna
I look forward to meeting you.-Thank you for your trust.
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