A long time has passed between the last blog and today's entry. Many people perceive this distance as a gap, something that interrupts - is missing.

And in my experience, it's the other way around, which is why I want to report on it:

I wanted to make my work in Vienna - my website - available to people at the beginning of last year. And I visibly fell "ill" on February 4, 2019 and have now "paused" until the end of October 2019.

Why do I write "ill" and "paused"?

Society describes a process like the one I had as "sick". I describe this time as an intensive teaching, learning and recovery process. Recovery for body, soul and spirit, when I had to take the space and time to rethink my life and deal with my body, soul and spirit particularly well, to heal and recover.

And why didn't I "take a break", why was there no gap in my work as a mentor, coach, supervisor and therapist? Because I did more research than ever before, on myself, on the people around me, on how we can support health in body, soul and spirit. It involved a lot of work and enthusiasm! And I have continued to transform myself.

What did I recognize?

Nature is not an environment - not an environment - we are it, we are nourished, watered, warmed, carried, shaped by it - a carrot, a piece of fruit... become "me".

What really counts are encounters, touches, similarities that carry you through "beautiful" and "painful".

There are two processes in so-called illnesses - healing from the illness and recovery to complete health - to a now consciously aware state of being in harmony.

In the context of development, light and dark experiences are equally valuable and important. The so-called "dark", pain and suffering are midwives of transformation - just as the "light" nourishes our longing for the essential, the real.

The movement from "I" to "we" is the solution to all the suffering that we humans create in and around ourselves.

Genuine gratitude is part of the journey - a bright joy!

Thank you for your interest, your listening - your eavesdropping.

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