"Trust is the highest form of courage." (The origin of the quote is unknown to me) 

Dear interested readers,
I am starting my newsletter - as I have done so many times before - with the story of a true incident and encounter. 

A few days ago, I was waiting for my subway train at Karlsplatz station. The people around me were exhausted, gray, almost black - the stress of everyday life inscribed on their faces and figures - without energy. The platform was dark and dirty - a faint stench of addiction, alcohol and vomit.

And then I heard it, the singing - coming towards me, towards us, from a distance. It was the voice of a child, the voice of a little girl, as I saw later. She came - bright and joyful, jumping - along the platform. Her mother was dragging her behind her by one hand, her father behind her with her older brother - both just as stressed as many of us.

But she remained all light, openness and bright joy. She seemed very bright, almost transparent - a dragonfly - her hair swung around her head, a small plait woven into it. Her mouth smiled, her voice rang out from it, soft and clear and yet strong - the voice of a lioness. And her gait was light, almost floating, weightless - the movement of a gazelle.

She was completely in the now - no intention, no "wanting to have or be recognized from the outside".
She was absorbed in herself and at the same time gave herself completely away with her voice, her breath, her being - singing for the sake of singing.
Her gaze was directed forward - wide, open, turned towards you.

Perhaps this is what Jesus and other spiritual teachers meant when they said: "Become like children!" or "Blessed are the lilies of the field...".

Live fully, from the heart, from devotion, from compassion!
Turn towards life, love and laughter!
Be resonance, joy, this one moment!

What if we were to break the rules of our "sensible adulthood" - the unwritten laws of functioning - once a day:

If we sang, hummed, smiled
. If we greeted a stranger, hugged a loved one - for no reason - joyfully
. If we loved nature, laughter, crying, existence - everything
. If we forgot the cell phone, the computer for a few minutes - now
. If we were grateful, compassionate, tender - without wanting to demonstrate or achieve anything - just because we are...

Once a day - being like/as this child, this figure of light that we actually are under all the layers of "things that have to be done".

Thank you very much for your continued interest.
Eva Gold

Become what you want from the world!

Who am I essentially?

What do I actually know - in the depths of my being?
What do I want to come alive through me, to be realized - what true movement is in us humans, in all of us?

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