Touch through the perception of ourselves and the world

Children, teenagers and young adults dream:

Of fires that consume their homes, of floods that drown them, of robots and demons that rule all life... They see the wounds of nature, of the world, of us humans. And they are often sad - they get diagnoses like depression..., but they only perceive what is.

We adults, the rich western world, often don't want to look, sometimes even run faster, seal nature with even more concrete, accumulate even more, buy living space...

And many poor people in this world no longer know how they can survive until the next day, where they can live, eat, drink, sleep and survive.

A divided world, me from my true self, man from his fellow man, we humans from nature.

I read in a hotel's morning greeting today:
"And we have a very high yield of sunshine hours today!"

What does that mean? Did we create the hours of sunshine? Or is the beauty of the day, the radiance of the sky a gift?

Where have we got to in our thinking, the elevation of man above nature, fellow man... through science, technology, separation, ego structure...?

Only when we can pause, wake up, recognize our detachment, our helplessness, our despair, our confusion, our emptiness, our restlessness, our fear... is it possible to ask questions:

Are we living who we essentially are?
Are we alive, loving, connected, true, free?
Are we adding beauty to the world?

How can I change my structure?

If each person changes just one person, just one!!!, then everything changes. We have now given up enough true love, deep aliveness, genuine beauty, gentle compassion, bright joy, integral meaning and fulfilled being!!!!

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